CHANGE: Change Agent

“Therefore if any person is [ingrafted] in Christ (the Messiah) he is a new creation (a new creature altogether); the old [previous moral and spiritual condition] has passed away. Behold, the fresh and new has come! “ [2 Corinthians 5:17]

We cannot talk about change without discussing the biggest change of all: becoming a new creation in Christ. True and lasting change can only come about by one source: Jesus Christ, for He is our Change Agent. 
A change agent is someone who "alters human capability or organizational systems to achieve a higher degree of output or self actualization. Beginning with the end in mind, the goal of a change agent is obviously to make changes that stick. The result of change agent activity is to enable people to do more, or find a new and better perspective on life" (Dennis Stevenson). 

Our hearts as humans would remain hearts of stone without Jesus stepping into our existence and changing the course of history like never before. Jesus Christ was certainly the ultimate Change Agent back when He walked on this earth, and He is still doing the same thing in this day and age.

Jesus came to bring about the best change anyone could ever dream about, but because His purpose was not understood, perhaps because of their fear and wanting to maintain the status quo, the people resisted change and in so doing, denied themselves of true change that would lead to salvation.

I certainly would not wish to continue this devotion assuming that you’ve made this Change Agent, Jesus Christ your Lord and Savior. Accepting God’s gift of salvation, and entering into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ is the best and most important change you’ll ever make. Will you do it now? Only Jesus can change our hearts from one of stone to one of flesh and blood (Ezekiel 36:26). Only Jesus can change our eternal destination to one of certain death and destruction to one of life and salvation.

Do not allow fear keep you from experiencing Almighty God in a fresh new way, in the greatest way possible. Now, if you have indeed made Jesus your ultimate Change Agent, making Him Lord of your life, hallelujah! However, never forget that God wants to take us from glory to ever increasing glory, thus we cannot remain complacent in our walk with Him.

Let go of the old and receive the new, embracing it, for how can God put old wine into new wineskins (Matthew 9:17). How can God do something new in your life with the old constantly rearing its ugly head? Let Him make you over again. Make Jesus Christ your Change Agent today, because change begins and ends with Him.

Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert” . [Isaiah 43:19]

Let this be your prayer: Heavenly Father, I know without Jesus as my Change Agent I am lost in my sins, and I want to be saved and freed from the bondage of sin over my life. I know I have sinned, refusing to acknowledge the reality of Your existence but now I come before Your throne of grace, ready to make this much needed change in my life, and eager to begin a relationship with the God of All creation; the King of all Kings and Lord of all Lords. I ask Your forgiveness right now and I surrender control of my life to you, Almighty God. Jesus, You are now my Lord and I’m going to worship and serve You all the days of my life, In Jesus Name I pray and believe, Amen.


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