The Bridge
"Jesus said to him, I am the Way and the Truth and the
Life; no one comes to the Father except by (through) Me." - John 14:6
"Uhhhh...I thought you said it
didn't matter what route we took, we would all get to our destination",
she said, unsure.
"Well...that's what I was told.
Why, what's the problem?" He asked, coming up behind her
"What is that?"
she asked, pointing below to the deep and wide fissure interrupting the path to
their destination
"Oh!", He said in dismay.
There doesn't seem to be a way around it. I wonder what we...", He said,
trailing off when he saw a group of people a few yards ahead making their way
across the fissure. "How are you all doing that?", He called out to
"It's not us", they
responded. "It seems like a way has already been made for us", one
"Really?", he said, walking
towards the group. He looked down and to his amazement, he didn't see anything.
The fissure was still there, deep and wide, and impossible to cross over.
"For real, guys, how are you all doing that?", he asked again,
glancing skeptically at the group as they walked across the fissure.
"I'm telling you, it's not
It's been said that all roads lead to
heaven...that there are many roads to God, meaning that it doesn't matter what
religion you adhere to, be it Buddhism, Christianity, or Muslim, among
others. On the surface, that may seem true but if one were to examine every
religion thoroughly, one would see that most religions are man's attempt to get
to God, with a focus on the individual and his/her works. Most religions that
is, save for one: Christianity. Now, before I continue, let me just say that
this is not an apologetic. I am not trying to prove to you the authenticity of
Christianity, nor the reality of Jesus, The Christ. I don't need to do that,
for He already did. Christianity is the only "religion" (and I
put that in quotes because Christianity is hardly a the original
sense of the word, that is; Christianity is a relationship with Almighty God)
that focuses not on us as humans, and what we can do, but on The Creator
Himself, His works, and what He can do. It's Almighty God's attempt to reach
man, to reach you and me. For because of man's sin (Genesis 3), a chasm was
created that separated man from God, destroying our relationship with
Him, and producing a death of sorts...a spiritual one. Only God
Himself could bridge that gap....and He did, through Jesus Christ.
Every frail attempt to bridge that
chasm on our own fails woefully. I mean, haven't you wondered why new religions
seem to be popping up all over the place? Everyone is trying to bridge the
chasm, and fill the void within them that only Almighty God can fill through
Jesus Christ, who, declaring Himself as God in the flesh, declared boldly,
" I am the Way and the Truth and the Life;
no one comes to the Father except through me." (John
14:6, emphasis mine). He was not mincing words here; He did not
say, "I am a way, a truth, a life". He was bluntly refuting all
theories that claim that there are many roads to God. He was (and still is)
saying that any other attempt to get to Almighty God, Creator
of Heaven and Earth, will fail and will lead ultimately to death
.Jesus the Christ is the door no man can shut! In Him, a
relationship with God is guaranteed. Like I said before, it's hardly about
religion; it's not even about Christianity. It's about you and God, and He
desires a relationship with you. Do you get it? Almighty God stepped into our
very existence as humans, so that He could pull us out of the pit of slavery
onto the throne of freedom!
Sometimes, our human nature prevents us
from receiving this free Gift; it seems way too simple...too
easy...too ordinary..."you mean, I don't have to do anything? Just say a
prayer and all is forgiven?", one may ask. While I'm inclined to agree
with you that most things in this world are not free, salvation isn't one of
them. Salvation is free, but hardly ordinary. There is nothing ordinary about
about access to God. Beloved, you cannot earn salvation on your own...for God
has said that, "all our righteousness (our
best deeds of rightness and justice) is like filthy rags or a
polluted garment" to him (Isaiah 64:6). We were deserving of death
because of our sins, but because Jesus took our place on that cross, bearing
the shame and pain, and dying a horrific death, we are free to live in Him.
Jesus' sacrifice on the cross enables us to stand boldly before the throne of
God, for when God sees us, He sees His son, Jesus, and calls us His.
We've been bought at a
price, and what a price that was, for the cross was certainly not a walk in the
park for our Lord Jesus. Yes, Jesus Christ was fully God...but He was also
fully man (a hard concept to grasp, I know) and thus felt every single lash, and
every nail-piercing pain. He understood what He came to this earth to
accomplish, and He knew exactly what that mission would entail (I mean, He was
so agonized over the whole thing that His sweat became like great drops of
blood [Luke 22:44]). Yet, for the joy that was set before Him, He choose and endured
the cross (Hebrews 12:2). It is one thing to choose to do something difficult.
It is yet another thing to endure the difficulty of the thing you chose to do,
especially if you had the power to end that difficulty. Jesus was willing to go
through that difficulty for us, and He endured till the end, knowing full well
that He had all power to interrupt the crucifixion process and say,
"forget it". But, we were worth it. You, beloved, are worth it.
Yes, it may seem like
all roads lead to God, but I beg to differ. All roads may lead to the same
point in the journey to God, but only one road leads to the Throne of Grace.
No...not Christianity...for Christianity alone will not save; Only Jesus! Beloved, you believe there is a God,
and that's all well and good but even the demons in hell believe and they
tremble in terror (James 2:19). Which God are you referring to? For there
is only one God...the great I AM, Creator of Heaven and Earth...and He is reaching
out to you today through His Perfect Gift, Jesus the Christ. Will you respond?
For God demonstrates His love for you by dying for you in spite of your sins
(Romans 5:8). Thus if you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart
that Jesus is God, and invite Him into your existence as Lord over your life,
you will be saved (Romans 10:9-10). Jesus is the bridge that crosses the great
divide, and all your attempt at bridging that divide will always fall short.
Stop. Humble yourself instead and allow Jesus Christ be that Bridge for you.
Through Him, you will get to the other side, guaranteed!
Now my fellow brothers and sisters in
Christ, I implore you to never stray from the truth of the Word of God, for in
these last days, shades of grey are becoming the norm; the truth of God's word
is being watered down, and some are turning from the faith. But that will never
be you, in Jesus' Name. You will hold on to the truth of God's word without
wavering in unbelief, unveiling the enemy's plans, and winning souls to
the Kingdom. Let me reiterate this truth: Jesus is Lord, the Great I AM,
and the only Door by which we can come to The Father. This Easter, amidst all the celebrations and Easter
egg hunts, remember this truth, the sacrifice of Jesus, and His resurrection
from death and the grave, which seals our salvation, for without this
resurrection, we are still hopelessly dead in our sins. Resolve in your heart
to keep contending for the truth of God's word and be the light that shines in
the darkness. The exclusivity of Christianity makes some cringe,
and offends others but Jesus did say that the message of the cross will be
offensive to some, so at the risk of being offensive, keep contending for the
truth. keep proclaiming, "Jesus is
Lord!" that lives may be saved.
“O Death, where is your sting?
O Hades, where is your victory? [1 Corinthians 15:55]
O Hades, where is your victory? [1 Corinthians 15:55]
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