His Love Is...
It can never be said enough, God loves you! And me! It can never be quoted enough, "...For God so loved the world (you and me included) that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever (again, that's you and me included) believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life" (John 3:16). Nearly everyone can quote this scripture, believers and unbelievers alike. It's one of the most popular verses, and yet, one of the most difficult concepts to grasp...at least, for me. I mean, God's love seems to have so many facets...He loves us at our best, and even in our weakest moments. It's amazing! I'm not just saying this...I've experienced it...His love...in one of my weak moments. Yes, His love is amazing, yet somewhat difficult to grasp. Maybe because we've equated earthly love to God's love for us. Throughout history, love has been commended for many great things, and blamed for may atrocities. God's kind of love is so different than any love will will ever receive on this earth, though. Earthly love cannot even begin to scratch the surface of God's love for us.
So, if He loves us so much, why doesn't He prevent people from perishing? If He loves us so much, we should all go to Heaven after our lives expire on this earth. Right? Well, because He loves us THAT much, He gives each of us numerous opportunities to turn our hearts to Him. God's love is not one that binds and forces itself upon people...rather, it's a freeing kind of love, inviting us to a life of adventure, where gray becomes quite colorful. He will not force us into a relationship with Him. He will not force us to believe in Him. Yes, He loves us with a passionate love no one can begin to fathom, but He will not force us to love Him. He has left that decision up to you and me. It's really a choice, one based not on feelings or emotions, but on the realization that you and I have been separated from the Lover of our souls by our sins, and He is the only one that can bring us back to our rightful place as children of the Most High God.
Now, I mentioned that our choice to be in a relationship with God should never be based on feelings and emotions. It should also not be to pay back the price Jesus paid for you. I don't know about you, but I've been there...trying to pay back the price wrought for my salvation by works, and perfectionism, like I could ever pay back what Jesus did for me on the cross. You can never repay all Jesus did for you, and He really doesn't expect you to. He paid the price for your salvation because He loves you, not expecting anything in return, "because of the joy that was awaiting Him (that is, our salvation), He endured the cross, disregarding its shame..." (Hebrews 12:2). He had it all planned out, and even before our falling away, he had a plan of escape...a plan to redeem us! And to the chagrin of the enemy of our souls, He accomplished that, paving the way for our redemption through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. You are a priceless gem...and He says you are worth it all!
He is inviting you into a life of freedom from the bondage of sin, a love-relationship with Him! You have truly been bought at a very high price, child of God...one that cannot be repaid...and He doesn't expect you to.
"...Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; For you have been bought with a price..." 1 Cor 6:19-20
Check out the video to an original song by yours truly based on this scripture reference:
Vs 1
No longer shaken, no longer bound
I once was lost but, now I'm found
With You I know that, mercies abound
Now I'm free to, love again
I am living, I am living to be used by You
I've been bought at a price
The precious blood of the Lamb
I am not my own
The precious blood of Jesus
Vs 2
Now I've been through the, storm and pain
Now I know that, I'm rising again
I've been given, a second chance
To live my life, I put my life in Your hands
And I'm never, I'm never looking back, no!
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