The Bridge
"Okay ladies and gents, ready for our adventure?", Lewis asked excitedly. "Yes!", they all replied, some more enthusiastic than others. "Tell me again why we are doing this?" Paige asked, not looking forward to the potentially harrowing trip ahead. "Because we all agreed to it, remember?" Lewis replied. "Alright everyone, let's go over which route we will be taking to our destination", Lewis continued, getting everyone's attention and gathering the maps. "Okay, Group One, where are you? Let's, two, three...Yup, you're all here, and you all look ready to exercise those legs too", Lewis continued jokingly. "Ha ha, ever the jokester, huh?" Jim replied, heading towards him. "It's going to be fun guys! Trust me", Lewis laughingly encouraged. "Okay, Jim, you are leading Group One and you'll take this route", Lewis said as he handed him a map and route inst...