Are We There Yet? Part 2
So...waiting. Nobody likes to least I don't. Impatience seems to be something we are all well acquainted with, especially in this day and age. But waiting is inevitable. In fact, you had to wait a whole week to get part 2 of this encouragement...hope you were patiently expectant while waiting :) In Part 1 of this, we looked at the story of Lazarus as depicted in John 11, and we happened upon three reasons God has us wait for our break-throughs: To reveal His Glory (John 11:4) To reveal His love for us (John 11:5-6) To mature and help us believe and trust in Him (John 11:15). To Reveal His Glory "This sickness is not to end in death; but [on the contrary] is to honor God and to promote His glory, that the Son of God may be glorified through (by) it." [John 11:4, AMP]. Sometimes, our break-throughs don't occur as quickly as we'd like because God wants to reveal and promote His glory, both to you and to those in your sphere of inf...